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With over 20 years of experience in the construction industry in different sectors and at different capacities, Anthony has gained a significant amount of knowledge working for different companies.  From heavy highway in the 1990’s to homebuilding and heavy industrial in the 2000’s and 2010’s, he has gained experience as an employee and business owner.

With an extensive background in cost estimating, CPM scheduling and earned value management, Anthony considers himself a lifelong student of construction management.  He holds himself accountable for learning and contributing to the knowledge and success of others around him.

sheila Quick


Sheila is an experienced professional with a successful 15-year career in residential design and consultative technical sales.  She has a strong knowledge of engineered building products, from design to installation.  As a manager of top accounts, throughout the United States, in residential and commercial roofing products, she has been recognized for developing and administering training programs, excellent customer service, and has served as an innovative and proactive solution provider.

Community service has always been a priority of hers, and she enjoys partnering with organizations that see the value of giving back to their surrounding communities as well.

Education:  Georgia Institute of Technology

                  MBA, Management of Technology  2011

                  North Carolina A&T State Univ.

                  BS, Construction Management      1995

Education:  Kennesaw State University

                  Cobb Microenterprise, Business

                  Incubator Program                         2000

                  North Carolina A&T State Univ.

                  BS, Architectural Engineering        1995

Anthony Quick
